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"The Wound is the Place Where the Light Enters You." ~Rumi



Welcome to my site! I thought I'd share some pivotal life experiences that led me to my intuitive offerings through oracle readings and how my unique perspective can support you on your path.


From Empath to Empowerment—A Journey of Integration and Authenticity

Amidst a turbulent childhood, I became aware of a comforting presence within me, which I felt to be God—as Unconditional Love. I often expressed this mystical experience through art and in a diary where I wrote to God about my struggles and worries, seeking reassurance and guidance. I was a highly sensitive child and felt alienated by the loud and frenzied pace of the world. Animals and nature were my refuge, offering solace from deep loneliness in a violent and unstable household. In elementary school, I confidently shared my belief that the spirit of God resided here on Earth within us and all life. I found profound inspiration in Native American teachings and their sacred connection with all creatures. Similarly, I was moved by the civil rights movement, resonating with their fervent pursuit of justice, equality, and freedom. I spoke out against bullies and anyone harming innocent creatures, including the tiniest of bugs, with great passion. Growing up, I was inspired by the mystics, folk artists, and beatnik subcultures that encouraged artistic freedom over conforming to a conventional lifestyle. I was drawn to philosophy and spiritual teachings and art and music that spoke to the heart and soul of the human experience.   


In childhood, my empathic and intuitive gifts served as a protective and survival mechanism. I was hyper-vigilant to others' feelings and needs, while mine were often neglected, setting me up for relationship struggles and a magnetic pull toward codependent and narcissistic dynamics down the road. However, as an adult, these gifts would play a critical role in my personal healing journey as I learned to prioritize and reparent myself.

Even though I had reached a high level of achievement as a young adult, dancing with one of the top ballet companies in the world, I found myself struggling with imposter syndrome and debilitating depression and anxiety. I believed that my strong work ethic and talents were never good enough. At a core level, I was desperate for love and approval that wasn't met in childhood. Because I was so hard on myself and lacked self-esteemI was vulnerable to controlling and abusive dynamics. My good heart, physical appearance, outward confidence, and professional success didn't automatically translate to healthy relationships or a fulfilling career. I needed to develop the inner confidence, self-love, and proper boundaries to support those natural and hard earned attributes.


In 2007, a shockingly abusive relationship opened my eyes to the shame and self-blame I had been carrying inside, hidden behind self-sacrificing, people pleasing and perfectionistic coping strategies. I knew I needed to learn how to protect and embrace all aspects of myself if I was going to thrive, much less survive. So, from that point on, I dedicated myself to transforming my life's trajectory and reclaiming my authentic self. Through years of research, study, and support from helping professionals along the way, I trail-blazed my healing path overcoming symptoms of CPTSD and the disempowering effects of childhood trauma.

Having grown up in an “hippie” lifestyle I was exposed to alternative ideas and holistic modes of healing early on but later was indoctrinated in a radical religion that denied the body and conventional medicine. My goal when I went back to school for psychology was to integrate those two worlds within myself. No longer bypassing through spirituality, honoring both the physical and emotional body, I was on a quest to discover what it meant to truly heal—attuning to mind, body, and spirit.


Applying my compassionate heart inwardly through self-care practices and inner child work allowed me to be kinder to myself—to soften my harsh inner critic, as I established healthier boundaries and built self-worth. Overtime, I cultivated the ability to safeguard my open heart, nurturing both vulnerability and strength, and released the need to control circumstances or seek approval. I began recognizing, more easily, where my energy was being depleted and where I compromised myself in order to be met or to fix dysfunctional dynamics, rather than honoring my own needs. I gained practice saying no and walking away.


In the early stages of my healing journey, I discovered tarot and oracle cards, and I began incorporating them as part of my daily self-care ritual. They gave me valuable insights and confirmation and were like mile markers on my path, helping me to deepen my relationship to my inner truth. Shedding the constraints of a perfectionistic persona through self-trust and by speaking my true thoughts and feelings, even in the face of confrontation, set the stage for more harmonious relationships. This ongoing journey of self-acceptance transformed my internal and external narratives, empowering me to express my authentic self and share my gifts more fully with others. 



The Art and Power of Storytelling

I am a strong advocate for the transformative power of storytelling as a catalyst for positive change, a consistent theme woven into the tapestry of my life. At a young age, dancing gave me a safe outlet to express my deep emotions. Inspired by soulful folk songs that captured the human experience, I would choreograph dances in my living room, allowing my feelings to flow through the movement. Evolving into a professional dancer with a top ballet company in NYC, I experienced an energetic connection with audiences by embodying the emotional essence of stories and characters. My artistry and stage presence set me apart in a highly competitive dance world. In my role as dance teacher, my unconventional approach centered on facilitating self-expression and inclusion through collaborative creative exercises. The outcomes were remarkable, with students excelling rapidly, building confidence, and reaching high levels of success. Motivated intrinsically, they developed a strong work ethic, supporting one another while honing their individual gifts. Years later, embracing my entrepreneurial spirit, I founded a traveling folk art boutique. Carefully curated whimsical and cat-themed items not only uplifted spirits but also provided a space for individuals to share their stories. This inclusive and interactive atmosphere facilitated self-discovery through guided oracle readings and poetry. This venture marked the beginning of my reconnection to nature and represented a significant turning point in my ongoing quest for personal freedom. 

How Does Storytelling Empower YOU Through Oracle Readings?

The way we frame our stories powerfully shapes our perception of self, our place in the world, and our choices. When we are authentically seen and heard, transformation becomes not only possible but inevitable. In my role as a guide, interpreting oracle cards, our collaborative journey aims to connect you with your highest wisdom and inner truth strengthening a narrative that empowers your life. Sometimes, healing is as simple as having supportive presence—someone to hold space for your emotions or acknowledge your strengths when self-recognition is challenging. Together, let's weave your distinctive story, break free from restrictive patterns, and build a strong foundation for inner power and pleasure to rise. 




     “Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.” ~E.Y. Harburg 


Discovering My True Calling—Nature and a Nomadic Lifestyle

During a period of personal upheaval, I found myself thrust into what felt like a dark night of the soul, where my usual coping strategies no longer worked and I was called to trust the unknown. Instinctively, I sought solace and healing in nature, retracing the comforting steps of my childhood. A health condition forced me to prioritize core needs and focus on self-care, ushering me into a simplified, nomadic lifestyle. This shift fostered increased flow, more balance, and expanded personal time, a welcomed reprieve from undue stress on my sensitive nervous system. Taking care of my health and allowing myself to receive support from others was a turning point, leading to greater clarity around my life's work.

By letting go of over-responsibility and adopting a slower-paced life closer to nature, I discovered a newfound grounding in my own energy. Symptoms of anxiety and depression that had been lingering began to dissipate more naturally. I started to feel more empowered— less trapped in a cage of my own doubts, insecurities, and fears, questioning, "why am I here and what am I meant to do?" I experienced quicker discernment in relationships and developed enhanced resilience in navigating familiar, painful patterns. I had myself now and my compassionate heart to turn to! Life on the road, attuned to both myself and the rhythms of nature, gave me fresh perspectives and opened me up to deeper levels of self-acceptance where a new belief in my "enough-ness" was born.


Frequent sightings of rainbows, which I later discovered were symbolic of great transformation—a passage from one state of mind or place to another—was an omen of blessings to come. I also found myself in mystical places with labyrinths and actively started seeking them out while traveling. Walking these labyrinths evolved into a meditative practice, a ritual of releasing old patterns that no longer served me and inviting in more of my dreams, through affirmations and mantras. In this process, I nurtured a deeper connection to myself, expressing appreciation and gratitude, and enhancing my capacity for joy. It was far from a smooth journey, navigating the unknown; there were many bumps along the road, but I began to develop more trust in the universe to guide me. 


Within this period of metamorphosis a close friend gifted me a deck of nature oracle cards. These particular cards resonated with me in a magical way unveiling my gift for channeling guides and affirming my intuitive and facilitative abilities. Throughout my life it was natural to help others-friends family, strangers- going through transitions or difficulties. I was often sought after for advice and support because of my intuitive abilities and depth of internal awareness. I knew I wanted to bring my gifts into service with others but the traditional educational path to become a counselor hadn't felt right. As I began to develop a ritual working with the the cards, healing and navigating a tough transitional time, it became more clear that this was my calling. Soon after, I was inspired to share readings publicly. I started in Boulder, Colorado, on the Pearl Street Pedestrian Mall, then traveled to New Mexico, Arizona, and California.


My experiences and the connections I made unfolded with many synchronicities. The hundred's of people whom I had the pleasure of sitting with found the readings to be extraordinarily accurate, deeply moving, and fun! My collaborative and interactive approach inspired creative engagement and self-reflection, leading to a more nuanced and personalized interpretation of the cards and sparking empowered actions and meaningful change. Since then, my Oracle Readings have touched the hearts of over 3,000 individuals from diverse backgrounds in Boulder, Colorado, and nationwide, and . . .  now ONLINE . . . for which I feel deeply honored and blessed.


Throughout my nomadic journey, the connection I experienced as a child with Mother Earth was revived and significantly influences my practice. Each session, infused with universal principles and the power of unconditional love, carries the essence of the natural world, providing a harmonious and grounding experience for those seeking guidance. 



Intuitive Guidance Tailored to You!

My expertise lies in supporting highly sensitive and empathic individuals, over-achievers, recovering perfectionists and people pleasers, and those seeking to break free of codependent and narcissistic relationships. It can be challenging to put our needs first, leading to imbalances in personal and professional life. My readings incorporate personalized practices and rituals to cultivate self-acceptance and self-trust, honoring our bodies wisdom and the messages we receive from our emotions. We work on recognizing and addressing dysfunctional dynamics and prioritizing self-care, while filling up our self-love cup, to be in more alignment and integrity with ourselves, thus more empowered in the world.

The Birth of My Oracle Readings

My Story in Pictures

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